What is painball?

  • Fun team sport using markers that shoot colored balls
  • two teams of at least 3 members meet on the field
  • activity lasts from one to three hours
  • the aim of the game is to eliminate the opposing players using the marker
  • if the player hits the opponent, the player must leave the polygon
  • the team that eliminates all opponents wins
  • An instructor is present throughout the game and ensures that the rules are followed, motivates the players and provides them with the necessary assistance
  • every player is accidentally insured during the game

Paintball Bled – where to find us or where we are?

From the motorway (direction Ljubljana – Jesenice) turn to the radovljica turn, then drive towards Radovljica and turn left at the first junction. Follow the tabs for the Tinaraft Rafting Center. After 50 meters, turn left again, then right down towards the Sava River and park in the parking lot of the rafting centre.

We also have a parking lot for buses.

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